Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Angry Verbs - A Pinterest Find

In our first unit, we review what verbs are and we go in depth talking about past, present, and future tense verbs. As soon as I saw that in our curriculum, I immediately thought of all the Angry Verbs activities I had seen all over Pinterest.

I wasn't able to trace the idea back to an original source. It seems like there are so many people out there who have used the idea now that it's impossible to figure out who first started it -- what a shame!

It's a fantastic ideas and my students' eyes lit up like the Fourth of July when they thought we were just going to have a day of playing Angry Birds!

While they were disappointed to learn that we wouldn't be doing that, they were still excited about making the Angry Verbs writing project, as we called it. Yay!

Here's how I did the Angry Verbs Writing Project my way...

1. I found Angry Birds templates online, downloaded them, printed them, and made copies for my class. When I distributed these, I did them on a "get what you get" basis and allowed my students to swap with someone who was willing to if they wished. 

2. I downloaded this lined paper with illustration space from Super Teacher Worksheets (love that site!), printed, made copies, you know the drill.

3. I let my students color the Angry Birds as they wished then glue them to their writing sheet. We wrote one sentence in the past tense, one sentence in the present tense, and one sentence in the future tense. All of them had to use the same verb, of course conjugated appropriately. 

The best part about this project? Open House was a couple of days later and I was able to pull this bulletin board together really quickly to make sure that we could show it off to all the parents.

And? They loved it! They loved that their kids were so excited to show them, too, as did I!


  1. The bulletin board looks amazing! I saw it on Pinterest too - yours looks even better.


  2. Hey Jessica, I really like you display its awesome. I bet the children loved working with the angry birds theme too. I am a trainee teacher in England and I graduate next year, so I'm trying to gather as many ideas as I can to use with my first class.

    Thanks for sharing and your inspiration!
    I hope you can hop along to my blog too, any feedback would be great!

    All the best,
    Ben :)


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