Saturday, October 6, 2012

Prefix & Suffix Pencil - A Pinterest Find

We've recently started talking about prefixes and suffixes in my class. Is it just my kiddos or do all kiddos have a problem remembering WHERE the prefix and/or suffix goes?

I decided that I'd rather have them spend less time trying to remember what to call the word parts either on the beginning or end of a word and more time knowing what various prefixes and suffixes mean so that they can understand word meaning.

This pencil was another Pinterest the way, I've decided I'd be a HORRIBLE teacher without Pinterest...and my kids love it!

I remind them daily, "If you forget what a prefix or suffix is, where can you look?"

Then they all say together, "The pencil!!!"

I traced the Prefix and Suffix Pencil back and owe credit to Brittney from A Day in the Life of a Classroom Teacher. Many thanks for the inspiration, Brittney!!!

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