As a first year teacher there are so many different hopes & dreams I have for myself in this profession. That being said, I also realize more & more each day about just how difficult this career really is going to be.
It's fun. It's refreshing. It's inspiring. It's so, so, so MUCH.
But, it's also...stressful, tiring, and frustrating at times.
My hope for This Little Teacher is that I can continue to share my positive experiences as a teacher & continue to encourage not only others to keep making a difference, but myself as well.
I've set aside some "number goals" for myself - how many sells I'd like to make, how much money I'd like to bring in, and so forth. But, most importantly is encouraging others.
I want to meet other teachers in the blogosphere that feel the same way that I do at times, or always, but who still want to stay in this profession & continue to make a difference. I want a realistic perspective on teaching, and not stories filled with smoke & mirrors.
I already feel like 2013 has been a great year, even though we're only 20 days in. I hope that you feel the same, too.
Thank you so much for helping me get This Little Teacher "off the ground" & thank you so much for those of you who have actually purchased or downloaded freebies from my TpT shop. That means the world to me that you enjoy what I'm making & that you're considering using it in your classrooms.
Happy (somewhat belated) 2013! Best wishes to you!
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