Sunday, March 24, 2013

Word Study Foldable Templates - Digital Download

Hello, Internet!

It's been quite some time since I last sat down to blog about some products, or about how the school year is going. Spring Break has passed and now we have just 4 weeks before our state assessments. Eek!

As we get closer to the STAAR test, I'm constantly finding new ways to keep my students effectively busy while I pull small groups as often as possible to reinforce skills.

In fact, just this week I'm planning on implementing a new literacy station system. I'm nervous because we're getting our second walk through from the district this week, but I know I need to change things up! We don't have time to waste, so I'm making the switch the same week as their walk through any way. Wish me luck!

I do hope to share more about the new system with you guys. First though, I'd like to make sure that things go as I plan for them to go. If they don't, I might have to make some tweaks before I share it all. This all makes me think: could be an entire TpT download! {{FUN!!}}

Any way, before I get too side-tracked...I initially started this blog post to inform you about a product that I just added to my store today, Word Study Foldable Templates.

I initially made one of these foldable templates when I knew I would be out one day last week. It went over so well & was such a valuable activity for my kids that I made even more & decided to sell them.

As you can see in the preview above, the foldable templates are two-pages each and they should be copied front to back. Then, students cut along the dotted edge and start completing their foldable. I have created a foldable template for the following word study skills: homophones, homographs, antonyms, synonyms, suffixes, & prefixes.

While my students completed the Multiple-Meaning Words foldable last week independently, I'm also going to place some of the other skills at literacy stations. Students will easily be able to manage these activities on their own & be quite successful!

If you think this is something that will work in your class, I highly recommend this for Grade 2, Grade 3, or Grade 4 {my students are in the 3rd grade}. Just go to my TpT shop & download!

Enjoy! :)

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