Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Teacher Tales: What's Your Favorite Thing?

I know you've said it; the "I should write a book" statement gets used by us all.

After all, kids say and do hilariously inappropriate things. Especially little kids though.

You know the classic tale of the kid who seems to draw a picture of his mom at work accepting money from strangers, right? She supposedly sells shovels at Home Depot, but his picture looks like something far different...

Yeah, that one.

Well, I recently found myself in a situation similar to this, but the specific event really - and I mean REALLY - hit home. Our Goddaughter is a first grader and she's brilliant; definitely a gifted learner if I've ever seen one.

At our Mother's Day lunch her mom showed off her most recent artwork. With what we already know about her, we usually anticipate something impressive, something far beyond her age that she's managed to accomplish before all of her peers.

And, interestingly enough, we probably can now say she really did do this before her peers...

At first sight my reaction was, "WHAT?! What IS that? What ARE those?!"


Her favorite animals are...horses!

Whew. I was worried for a minute. Now, I find myself relieved. When her dad asked her why the horses look like that she said, "They're like cartoon horses!"

Yes, sweetheart. Yes they are! 

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