Thursday, August 9, 2012

Where Are We? Door Sign - Back to School Freebie

Wow, wow, wow.

This summer has been a complete whirlwind of quite a bit of things. Right now, I can definitely use a change of pace. Because of this, and other things, I'm absolutely, positively BEYOND excited to start teaching this year!

This will be my first year starting school with my own group of kids. I look forward to being there day one and seeing them through their entire third grade year. It will be so much fun!

I've decided on a theme for my room this year, which initially started with a color palette I fell in love with. This one:

I just love the bright pop of color and it makes me think of the circus - polka dots, stripes, and happy times! I can't wait to share all of the fun ideas that I've gathered from Pinterest and other bloggers while preparing for this circus theme, too.

Here's the very first thing that I've made for my classroom this year. It's a sign to hang outside of my classroom door to tell people where the class has gone. My teaching "neighbor" had one outside of her room last year and I just thought it was such a handy tool.

Of course, I want to share it with you, too! Best part? This one is FREE!

Here's how you make it work: print out the sign on thick card stock paper and laminate it. Attach it outside your classroom door and each time you leave the classroom, move a clothespin to the location you'll be at.

Once I have this hanging outside my classroom, I'll try to upload a picture here, too! I'd show you now, but unfortunately I don't have access to my classroom yet - another story for another blog post! ;)

Happy Back-to-School Season! 


Heather's Heart said...

Eeeek! You still cannot get to your room? I have been back and forth to my room all summer. When can you get to your room?

I love the Where are We sign. I always make one with my kiddos by taking a picture of the class when we go to that place.

I am happy to be your first follower. Wahoo! Welcome to blogging. I hope you love it as much as I do. If you get the chance, I would love for you to hop over and visit me. =)

Heather's Heart

vicky1970 said...

Hi there, cute blog. I'm your newest follower. Hope you have a great year. I'm 4 days in and so far so good.

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